In-person classes with Design Dance
Maintaining the health and safety of our community.
What we’re doing to keep our students and our staff safe:
We will ask that all persons use hand sanitizer before entering the building.
We will ask that all persons practice appropriate social distancing (six feet apart) while in the building.
We will ask that all persons will wear a mask or facial covering over nose and mouth while in the building.
We will ask that caregivers/families/staff will promptly report illness or COVID exposure to Design Dance.
Anyone experiencing COVID symptoms will be asked to stay home.
Caregiver and children’s temperatures will be taken by a Design Dance staff member before entering the studio. All persons with a temperature registering 100 degrees or higher may not enter the studio.
Design Dance will work with families whose exposure or symptom status changes during class. It is important to remember, caregivers experiencing symptoms or with exposure concerns should call or email as early as possible prior to drop-off/pick up to work with our staff on a plan that includes avoiding entering the building.
What happens if a student tests positive for COVID-19?
If Design Dance learns of a student that has tested positive for COVID-19, we will take the following steps:
We will immediately notify local health officials and follow their guidance/recommendation.
We will notify Design Dance families that a student has tested positive for COVID-19 while maintaining confidentiality for the affected family.
We will direct families in the affected class to consult their healthcare provider and self-monitor for symptoms before coming to class.
If symptoms develop, we will ask that your student stay home until symptom-free for a 48-hour period.
To mitigate continued spread of COVID, class will be held virtually for two weeks following the notification of a positive COVID-19 test result.
This initial short-term dismissal allows time for the local health officials to gain a better understanding of the COVID-19 situation impacting the facility and families. Design Dance will work with the local health officials to determine appropriate next steps, including whether an extended dismissal duration is needed to stop or slow the further spread of COVID-19.
In the instance of a confirmed COVID-19 case, the CDC recommends a student with a positive COVID result not return to class until:
Authorization by a medical professional or at least 72 hours have passed since recovery, which is defined as resolution of symptoms without the use of symptom-reducing medications and at least seven days has passed since symptoms first appeared or receipt of a negative COVID-19 test.
For additional information or questions about our COVID-19 procedures for in-person classes, please feel free to email us at
We look forward to dancing with you again!