Design Dance’s Safe Practices + Preparedness Plan ensures our in-person + remote programming remains safe for our partners, our educators and our students.
There’s a great deal of uncertainty facing the current learning landscape. That’s why Design Dance will take the necessary steps to adhere to city, state and individual partner regulations to deliver safe programming both online and in-person.
To do this, Design Dance’s Safe Practices + Preparedness Plan has been designed based on Be Safe Chicago’s Childcare Requirements, ISBE’s Remote Learning Recommendations and the CDC’s Child Care, Schools, and Youth Programs Recommendations.
To safely deliver in-person programming, Design Dance will:
Set enrollment maximums at 10 students per program.
Require educators to wash hands and disinfect equipment before entering the school facility and immediately after class concludes.
Require and provide fresh PPE (face masks) for our educators to wear at the start of each class and discard immediately after leaving the school premises.
Require instructors experiencing symptoms (cough, congestion, fever of 100.4 degrees or more) to stay home. Either a new dance educator will be assigned to the program, or a virtual supplement will be offered to the school partner.
All educators will be required to adhere to each school partner’s safety stipulations (i.e. limited access to the school building, temperature/health screenings upon entrance, etc.)
Administer “Safe Teaching and Health Practices” training for all Design Dance instructors.
Facilitate lesson plans that require 6-foot spacing between students.
Remove dance practices that involve partner work or physical touch.
Modify and reduce cardiovascular activity across warm-ups, technical practice and choreography.
Adapt in-person final performances with friends and family to take place virtually.
If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact our team at or 312-361-0864 for immediate assistance.