Knuckleball Comedy Classes

K-1st Grade Improv + Performance

Tuesdays, February 1st-June 7th

2:45-3:45 p.m.

In Knuckleball Comedy's Kdg-1st Grade Improv + Performance program, students will play together in a goofy, silly, and fun SEL-based improv adventure. Led by an experienced performing arts educator, students will learn the fundamentals of improv and performance through theatre games, pretend play exercises, and imaginative story creation activities. Over the course of the session, students will practice taking turns, sharing space, communicating with peers, and problem-solving, while discovering an appreciation for their identity and the identities of others. At the end of the program, students will showcase their learnings in a laugh-packed presentation for peers and family members to celebrate their hard work.

Take a peek at some additional class information!

This class has been canceled. Please come back soon to register for future classes!

2nd-5th Grade Improv + Performance

Fridays, February 4th-June 10th, 2022

2:45-3:45 p.m.

In Knuckleball Comedy's 2nd-5th Grade Improv + Performance program, students will work together as they journey through an interactive and hilarious SEL-based improv adventure. With direction and coaching from an experienced performing arts educator, students will learn the basics of improvisation and performance through perspective-shifting mind exercises, confidence-building theatre games, and student-led content creation activities. Over the course of the session, students will practice valuable communication skills, navigate problem-solving methodologies, internalize active listening competencies, and discover an appreciation for their identity and the identities of others. At the end of the program, students will showcase their learnings in a laugh-packed presentation for peers and family members to celebrate their hard work.

Take a peek at some additional class information!

This class has been canceled. Please come back soon to register for future classes!

Additional Class Information